My camera is an extension of who I am. I love to draw attention and beauty to things that go unnoticed or are deemed unworthy. 

There is a deep pull in me towards areas of oppression to be a messenger and extension of truth, love and hope amidst the darkness of hopelessness and fear. It's my desire to be an advocate of carrying the voices of the oppressed, representing the truth to world - a truth that once seen and heard, one cannot deny knowing. As much as is possible, I hope there would be a stirring in people to arise and move towards a posture of helping those in need. I also wish to reveal that healing, hope, forgiveness and reconciliation are real and possible.

I'm a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ... may His heart and glory be known and felt through the photos I capture. 

It is my passion to continually grow and learn in the giftings I have been given. I am thankful for and humbled by the opportunities that open up to me, the places I am able to go, and the people across the world I am privileged to connect and work with. 


Less is more.


I am forever a kid-at-heart.

"Not all those who wander are lost." 

I've been to 5 continents, 24 countries and 32 american States.

Every time I see an airplane in the sky, I wonder where it is going and wish I was on it.

Drink of choice: pamplemoose la croix, cbd elixiR or rye whiskey old fashioned


My dog, Jethro, making myself laugh, quality time with family and friends, swimming in the tropical Pacific ocean, music, getting better at crossfit, visiting antique stores, deep conversations, the smell of fire in the air, July summer days, lazy days watching movies, editing photos, intense thunderstorms, building things with wood and metal, scuba diving, laughing... and seeking to live everyday full of love and life in the legacy of my brother, Chandler, as "This is the best day of my life!".